Church Of Satan Is Now Open To Public, People Celebrating And Cheering To Satan's Statue

Have you tried going to a church where people are praying to Satan as their one god? If you did, then that's the craziest thing that you have experienced in your whole life! Imagine the people around you are Satanists and you are a "holy" person who believes in one God, but not Satan; they might even throw you away!

Sources from different people and sites about a "Church of Satan" that was opened for public is now being viral throughout the world. They also took a video of somewhat like a parade and celebration. It shows people dancing, celebrating, playing music and cheering while pulling Satan's huge statue on the street. It is unclear whether this celebration is only for shooting a movie or it's for real.

Photos by Holmes Pasiminio-Olave

Do you guys want this kind of church to be built in your country? I think not! What do you guys think? Comment down below!

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