Party Girl In Black Poops Inside A Bar With Her Partner

It's natural to have our stomach upset after drinking alcohol especially for those who are either allergic to it or it's a poison to them. When we feel the need to go to the bathroom, we immediately go without hesitation and satisfy ourselves whether to puke or to poop. If we want to be attractive, we might as well maintain our hygiene before dating a partner.

This lady in the picture doesn't seem to care of her own hygiene when it comes to pooping. What's disturbing is that her partner doesn't seem to care! I wonder what the guy was thinking at that moment? He may be drunk that he didn't realize he was stepping on a poop rather than puke? I'd rather step on a puke though.

You can obviously see the poop below the lady's legs.
Photo credit: thedailypedia

The photo was uploaded by a Filipino to which the location seems to be outside the Philippines. Most probably it's not in the Philippines since all the party goers were foreigners (even the women). Other sources claims it to be in the Middle East.

These are the shoe marks of some unknown guy who stepped into the lady's poop.

Moral lesson: never go to a party with an upset stomach. If you have any allergies to alcohol (which may lead to diarrhea, redness of entire body, itchiness, etc.), make sure not to drink. It's better not to be cool at all rather than pooping around the party acting cool like nothing happened. Not to be cool? Yes, because men thinks women are too cool when they are drinking. And remember to excuse yourself when pooping to at least remind your partner that you don't feel good. Don't worry, men will understand.

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