Women Can Now Urinate Anywhere At Anytime With This Product

Dear ladies, have you ever wondered how men urinate anywhere in each corners of the city? How the feeling is to stand while peeing? How easy it is to pee? If you buy this product; welcome to the world of men! The name of the product is "GoGirl".

What is a GoGirl?
GoGirl is simply a urinating device for women. The device is made to prevent women from squatting to urinate wherever they want to; especially when women are on the go for a road trip or too disgusted to sit on a public toilet bowl.

How can I use it?
Simple. Just place it inside your *toot* where you're most comfortable with it. Best to use this is when you're having your cold shower, which makes you jerk and then pee.

Can I clean it afterwards?
Yes, of course. But take the "cleaning" part seriously because you do not want your *toot* to be itchy after several uses without cleaning it properly.

Am I going to use this forever?
Definitely, no. For hygienic purposes, you should preferably use at least 3 pieces a month or 2. As long as you keep it very clean and you feel it's really clean, then it's up to you to use it. Maximum is 2 months per piece, in my opinion.

Is it hard to use?
No. You can go practice inside your bathroom or while taking a bath. Before using it in public, make sure your mastery in placing it on your *toot* is at least 75% (passing grade).

Is that all?
Yes, that's all for now! Anybody interested on the product, just visit http://go-girl.com/. From there you'll find different kinds of designs and colors of GoGirl.

Have fun urinating!

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